What I can provide

Custom development & consulting work

I can improve existing solutions and build new ones.

Code archeology and legacy systems support

I can examine legacy solutions, improve them, document them, and train developers on their internals

CI/CD implementation DevEx support

I can improve your development experience with new documentation and CI/CD workflows

gradesta ∼ integrations & support

I can provide support for integrating the gradesta protocol into your applications.

django-import-export-celery ∼ integrations & support

django-import-export-celery is a django app for importing and exporting large amounts of data asynchronously.

django-smmapdfs ∼ integrations & support

django-smmapdfs is a django app for generating pdfs from django models using a template PDF that can be built by a graphic designer.

django-helpdesk ∼ integrations & support

django-helpdesk is a ticketing system for django.

petgraph ∼ support

petgraph is a rust library that provides graph datastructures and implements common graph algorithms.



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Integration and development work

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